About The Artist

I am an artist of inside beauty; what happens on the outside is my interpretation of that beauty.

Creative and passionate by nature... I like to think its genetic (thanks mom). Southern California native, living, playing and working out of Riverside, CA. I come from an awesome biker family and enjoy a classic retro lifestyle.

My upbringing taught me to appreciate the "wear and tear" that only comes from a life actually lived. To find value in what may not always appear so bright and shiny. I tend to see people in the same way and it is my belief that through creativity and a bit of polishing we can bring out the beauty in anything and anyone.

I love my profession for its endless possibilities and great ability to make someone look and feel their very best. 

I am not just your hairdresser; I am your artist. Allow me to bring out your inner beauty, inspire your confidence and perhaps touch your life in some way.
