Instructions for DYI:
You'll Need:
1. BW Clairol Bleach (you can get this at Sally's)
3. Manic Panic in Vampire Red (or any color in the rainbow of your choosing)
4. Bottle of Black dye I used Loreal Professional in Soft Polished Black
5. Hair dye bowl & brush
6. Hair clips
7. Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline
8. Foil (if you know how to use it)
1. Section off your hair to leave out only what you will want RED (or the color you have chosen). Put the rest of your hair back, in clips or a ponytail to keep it from touching.
1a. Mix your bleach ( I recommend using at 30 volume developer)
1b. Use gloves! (bleach burns!)
2. Using a dying brush "paint" your hair with the bleach in 1/4 inch sections or so. Make sure to distribute the bleach evenly.
2a. Clip up your hair and wait for it to get light
*How light you want it to get is up to you, the lighter blonde the brighter the accent color will be. Really you only need it a brassy orange for reds.
*Tip: You can use the blow dryer to speed up the lightening.
3. Wash out the bleach using shampoo ( you must shampoo!!) and conditioner.
4. Blow dry your hair slightly, you will want it damp to add your accent color
*spread petroleum jelly around your hairline on your skin so you don't dye your skin.
5. Pour the desired amount of your Manic Panic color in a dye bowl. Using the same technique as with the bleach distribute the color evenly. Make sure to use enough, these dyes are more like stains so its good to really saturate the hair.
5a. How long you leave it in is up to you, the longer the better ( I usually wait about 2 hours )
*Tip: Put on a shampoo cap and go about your business until your ready to rinse it out.
Hairline bleaching is a little easier since you can pull the rest of your hair away, any peek-a-boo highlights should be done by a professional because its likely putting them in incorrectly will cause bleeding and you will have spots! Luckily you happen to know a professional... ;)